Raising up breakthrough believers for this generation

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Is God raising up a Prophet in the Philippines?

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." - Jeremiah 1:5

"Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets." - Amos 3:7

I've seen and heard a lot for the past 10 years on how God is raising up a prophetic people even in the Philippines. The proclamations of years ago is coming to fruition with a lot of churches manifesting the powerful anointing of God during worship time, impacting the hearts of men and women through His word.

But in this season wherein the Philippines are in the great move of God, I wonder if God has also raised a Prophet among the Filipinos?

A lot of prophetic voices today played a major role in unlocking the nations for the gospel and I, for one, has received a lot of revelations and has been activated to move in the prophetic through the ministries of our dear brothers and sisters in the Western world. 

But I guess it's not selfish to ask if God has risen up a Prophet among the Philippines. I long to see Filipino believers capture the vision of raising an apostolic and prophetic people for the end-time harvest. Part of the equation is people also rising up to the Office of the Five-fold Ministry specifically in the Office of the Prophets and Apostles.

These two plays an integral part to align the body of Christ in the Philippines like how Pastors, Teachers and Evangelists are doing in the land today.

Pastors are to take care of the flock, building them up and helping them grow in their faith. They have been entrusted for such a big burden for the body of believers and I love them for that!

While the Teachers are to correct, rebuke, train and equip the believers for ministry, they are equalizers of the four other ministry gifts giving biblical and theological balance. 

I strongly believe that Evangelists are not just called to share the gospel of Christ to the world but also bring holistic healing, restoration and signs and wonders through the blood of the Lamb. 

Looking at the pattern, God has also raised up the Apostles to build up and advance the Kingdom of God. They are men and women of God who have gone through places, destroy the darkness and the works of the enemy and bring Christ's glory to the nations. They establish the kingdom work of God where the Lord has placed them.

My question is, what about the Prophets?

I believe God has raised the Prophetic office to activate the people of God for the season. They not only tell what God's great move today is, they also align the body of believers for the great harvest and activate them for ministry. 

They are also called to become watchmen to the nations. They are on the front lines during spiritual warfare and sees in the spiritual and natural realms truths to edify and build up the church.

God's prophetic mandate for Prophets are not just to speak, edify and encourage the whole body of believers but also to declare spiritual victories, identify the works of the enemy and strategically position the church to win the war against the works of the enemy for the end times.

They are like clanging cymbals at times when the church is not listening but is also the trumpet to prepare the way of the Lord. They are people who confirm and affirm the word of God but rebuke those who are leading the flocks astray. 

So, is God raising up a Prophet in the Philippines?

I strongly believe He is. The pattern of Jeremiah's calling to become a prophetic voice in Israel's crucial time gives us a clear picture on how God prepares a Prophet in a nation. 

God has prepared a prophetic destiny so BIG that God has to call the Prophet to arise. This is literally true to the body of believers in the Philippines. With the prophetic move as strong and relevant today as 10 years ago, all the more that God is placing the Prophets in their rightful place. 

But unless the end time prophets accepts the call of God in their lives, the movement will not be fully aligned to this great move of God and can endanger the body of believers for lawlessness and false prophetic move.

But who has the Lord called to this office?

He or she would definitely been a sound believer, a person whom the Lord has set apart for such a great task. 

Someone who also has the guts to go beyond the local denomination and church borders because the Prophet is called as an overseer of an entire body and not just part of it. 

I believe God will call someone who works in the prophetic gifting. They should have strong understanding of the word of God and the prophetic ears to hear what the Lord is saying for the whole body. 

Lastly, God definitely prepared this person for the season in the wilderness; they are usually an unknown bunch of believers that are sometimes misunderstood because they speak the truth harshly at times. But they are also recognized for their strong anointing when they speak God's word through words of prophecy and edification.

Of course, he or she should also be a recognized prophetic voice in the local church, has use the gift of prophecy beyond personal prophecy and has better understanding when God moves in the supernatural. They are also strongly founded in the word of God and can minister the word of God in clarity and unbiased way.

As Bill Hamon once said in his book, God will first prepare the man before the ministry and I'm all the more excited to say that God is indeed doing something great in the midst of the church in the Philippines!

1 shoutouts:

  1. Amen! The Spirit of the LORD confirms! To God Our Father be the glory forever and ever! Amen!


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