Raising up breakthrough believers for this generation

Saturday, April 29, 2006

prophetic message--> 30.04.06

this has been given to me to speak forth when in times of worship response to the message...there was a strong trembling feeling inside and out of me as i spoke this one and i pray that this would encourage you as well.. :->

"a new season has come to the church...it is a time when blessing and opportunities would open up to influence and impact the people in the places where we have been set to minister and stand for the LORD.

there is also a new annointing of blessing coming forth in the people of GOD from the Mt. Zion as we learn more and more from the message he is speaking forth- through HIS words and the words of his prophets...he has seen our faithfulness and this is one blessing we are to see him do.

i also believe that HE is calling us to a more personal relationship experience with him rather than congregational in nature and superficial...as we sing the songs "GOD of Jacob ..." it is the desire of the LORD that we would really put this into action and see him move in our generation...that we would seek him more and more and more...as he would response to our hearts cry...."

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

A Generation Arises

I see in my heart a new journey being opened. 

For I have now gone from leadership to mentoring. Just last night, our senior pastors laid hands on me and spoke a strong prophetic message in my life. Through the words they spoke, I felt that the Lord was confirming what I have been desiring for this season.

I was confirmed and released upon to become like Paul, an apostle and mentor to Timothy. I am well aware that I still have a lot to learn and it's a reality that life is learning experience. I am seeing the excitement in my heart as I envisions this year as a year of acceleration and increase in my giftings. 

I strongly believe that God is increasing in me the passion to train and develop leaders in my generation who are righteous, pure and holy. 

At this moment, I am am seeing the deeper need of God-confidence to rise above every youth, enabling them to stand in the God given opportunity to serve and boldly speak the message of hope, redemption and salvation to many.

I also sense in my heart that the generation GOD is raising up is a generation that would spread the revival in the land of Oriental Negros. I am sensing that the power of the SPIRIT OF GOD is transforming lives and people in the alignment of his destiny for our generation.

In the book of the Judges, specifically in chapter 2 brought me to an understanding that the reason why our generation are so far away from the heart of God is because we have not been (or the lack of it) spiritually mentored and cared for when we are young. 

I believe that bible verses and stories are good but I sense that we are in an era where the old ways are not momentarily effective causing hatred, rebellion and strife for our generation to our parents and to God.

Because of this active rebellion, GOD allowed certain things to flourish in us, the sins we have, the weaknesses and the pain of the past. It was relevant in the lives of the Israelites at that time and I believe, it does have the same effect in our generation. 

God will not take these away from us unless we turn our eyes from the idols in life to the one true GOD who is creator and redeemer of everything.

In my spirit, I see a new season for our generation. We are hungered more for his presence and touch and that GOD is raising up the Joshua's and Elijah's of today to breakforth and conquer.

As God is raising a bold army of witnesses, the enemy is taking it's power to full bloom making every opportunity to steal and destroy the destiny set before us. But we have a weapon of warfare, a sword given by god which is his WORD and the praises of our mouth which is an arrow so strong wherever the enemy hides it will follow. 

Then believe and proclaim that indeed, victory through the blood is the tool to bring forth revival to the lands and to the nations of the earth.

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