Raising up breakthrough believers for this generation

Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Do you believe in the #prophetic gifts?

One of the best lessons to learn is coming from well-known revivalist like #SmithWigglesworth. Check out this old audio clip about the gift of #prophecy and it's importance to our time and season like today.


Saturday, April 11, 2020

Reflections on Daniel 5

Here are some of my notes while I am learning on the book of Daniel. Below are my excerpts as of the moment:

1.) Even when the king of the land did not acknowledge God, He intervened and used Daniel to set the stage to fulfill the Daniel 2 prophecy of King Nebuchadnezzar.

God drew the line when Belshazzar used the goblets and temple utensils and profaned God by disregarding God during his reign as king of the Chaldeans.

2.) Although Daniel was not part of king Belshazzar's court, God once again placed him in a position of influence before the invasion of the Medes and Persians.

Thus, after the king was killed, he was the remaining highest ruler of the kingdom, since the kings and the queen were killed on the same night the writing was interpreted.

On the side note, it was during these time that God started revealing the dreams and interpretations from chapters 7 and 8.

3.) God was in control of the times and seasons of the ancient ruling. He raised men and women of influence for such a crucial time in history, not just with Israel's but in the world. Like Daniel, God will position us to influence our sphere for His glory.

4.) Daniel, even when he was old by the time of the invasion, was found to be the wisest and knowledgeable in the land of Babylon.

In chapter 1, no one was compared to their knowledge, in chapter 2 to 5, Daniel and his friends acknowledges God as the giver of wisdom and knowledge and must be worshiped for who He is.

On the next chapter, still it was mentioned that no one in the kingdom of the Medes and Persian was compared to Daniel's wisdom and stature.

Side note, when Daniel became the head of the satraps, he was knowledgeable on the ways and rules of Babylon, they were trained to learn these ways when they were young.

The invading kingdom used this method to brainwash the princes of Israel but God used this opportunity to build Daniel for such a task, thus being able to be used by God to influence 4 great rulers of the land in the ancient world.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Coming Out of The Cave - Part 2

Elijah felt that he was alone and that the battle he is to face was bigger than He actually can take on and conquer. This led to him hiding in the cave, thinking that he was the only one left.

In the same passage of scripture, God showed up and whispered to him and instructed him of three things namely to go back and finish the task at hand - anoint the new kings to carry on His plans and Elisha, to carry on His ministry.

In the same scenario, I believe we are coming into a crucial time of history wherein the lieutenants of the kingdom will rise up with the generals of the seasons.

The season for the messengers have arrived. Just like in the spring before fall, we already sensed the coming of the new age when God will unction a new generation of messengers in the last days.

In the words of Joel and the apostles, these will be the young men and women who are called by the Lord to rise up and speak in the last days. The will be unconventional yet running together with their fathers as wisdom runs from the heads to the sons in the house.

In such a season such as this, there seems to be a select few whom I felt the Lord has led to forerun this calling. A friend of mine started doing Facebook lives and sharing sermons like it was just in front of his growing congregation. My brother having to meet some old and new friends to discuss matters of the faith. I have started writing again and shared a couple of encouragement through my video posts and people are responding.

Can this be the season where the forerunners will now be unveiled and be seen as they take on the mantle of their spiritual fathers?

I sense in my heart that God has now aligned and is showing our fathers what’s the next steps are. The sons of the house must start preparing as they receive a new mandate and begin to move on the destiny God has for them.

Our prayers as forerunners is to see a generation whose hearts and minds are aligned with their fathers and with the Holy Spirit and move mightily for the days ahead!

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Coming Out Of the Cave - Part 1

Early 2020 and everyone got caught up with the news about a new virus that is hitting Wuhan, China. It was unprecedented that after 3 months when the news broke out, the entire world seems to be at the forefront of a new war - the COVID19 virus attacking almost everyone across the globe.

It's been 2 years since I stopped writing anything on this part of the blog because I felt the Lord has placed me in isolation for some time. I remember Elijah, when at the times when he hid in the caves to prepare to what is to come. 

In 1 Kings 19:11 to 13, it chronicled how Elijah went to Mount Horeb and out of depression, didn't want to go back to what he was asked to do. It shares:

The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” 
Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake.  After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave. 
Then a voice said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”

Sometimes, the Lord doesn't speak to us through the winds of life, nor the earthquake that will hit us or even with fire of struggles but as a gentle whisper after everything has happened.

Yes, in my silence, the Lord met me where I am and used the season to prepare me for the next. More than a week ago, I started to post videos that encourages through my Instagram account and Facebook page. It was nothing instant, I had to learn and share in a span of less than a minute an encouragement. 

It was more of an experimental thing for me. Some of you probably is asking why I started doing such. Well, early last year, a prophetic minister who came to teach for 3 weeks in our Leadership Enhancement Training shared a prophetic word for me. I just listened and received the word with much excitement and perplexity. 

She mentioned that I'll be used by the Lord to spread the kingdom work and message through technology. She said that she is not sure how I will go about it but definitely, that's how she is hearing it from the Lord.

Only this week that I realized that I have been living this prophetic call all along. As many of you know, I am a blogger and I love to write and post stuff online. Not only that, I am more keen to be at the back of the lens when it comes to documenting a lot of church activities and all. 

But little did I know that God will align both passion to bring in a new season of this ministry. Yes, I am going back to this ministry that I have left. I'll go back to writing and share my thoughts about many topics to encourage, equip and honor the Lord's call in my life.

If you happen to enjoy my writing, you may also follow me at our Generations Project Philippines page to hear more about what I'm doing. We are coming into a new season where God will use technology to bring to light the fulfillment of His promise and we as forerunners are on the forefront of taking in the next season for the glory of our Father's name through the gospel message of Jesus Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit!


Friday, August 31, 2018

Just An Update

Dear Readers,

It has been a long hiatus from the usual posts I had these past few months. I felt that it was an opportunity to rest and find the purpose why I am doing this blog. Although I am usually posting from my other blog Alter Ego Project, I felt that it was time for me to hide and seek the Lord's guidance.

After writing my personal blog entry entitled "The Process Of Restoration", I felt that I am not qualified to continue what the Lord has placed in my heart. It was like condemnation and regret always makes me uncomfortable to do stuff the same way I used to. It's been five months and until now, I am not confident in what and how to move forward.

To note, the battle is within my mind. It is not that I don't know who I am in Christ or what I have received from the Lord but the idea that lingers is that "Am I still worthy to receive this calling?", it seems that my own strength, strange as it is, left me hanging and I felt the need to stop because I no longer have the same capacity as before.

Or so I thought.

In the last few weeks, I spent time reading books about restoration, the prophetic calling and listening to video messages of well known prophetic teachers. It is in this time of quiet time that I felt secure, accepted and loved. 

This is when I realized after a good talk with my mentor that this was still a process I have to go through. The physical may have been restored, the emotions have been dealt with but the inner man, the spiritual man is still in the process of restoration. Until I fully grasp God's grace, love and acceptance and until I move out from fear and shame, can I fully grasp God's calling in my life.

Even when I am writing this letter, I sense this weight being lifted up. I feel that it is not enough that I am restored as a believer but I have to rely on the working of the Holy Spirit that I may be fully restored to receive a renewed calling to minister. 

Am I already restored?

I am getting there. Slowly but surely. Keep me in your prayers as I come into a new season, after almost 5 months of not being directly working on some stuff. I'm opening up this blog site once again, to offer not just prophetic insight but also hope. 

Hope that even in the darkest times in our life, the light that shines through Christ, shines the brightest. And with that, I am now fully convinced that Apostle Paul's words are true - "when I am weak, then I am strong."

We are still in our earthly vessels and because of that, we falter, we become weak, we succumb to it and then we realize our mistakes, we seek forgiveness and then we repent. 

This is grace at work. And in an old hym's song I end this:

Amazing Grace
John Newton

  1. Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
    That saved a wretch like me!
    I once was lost, but now am found;
    Was blind, but now I see.
  2. ’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
    And grace my fears relieved;
    How precious did that grace appear
    The hour I first believed.
  3. Through many dangers, toils and snares,
    I have already come;
    ’Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
    And grace will lead me home.
  4. The Lord has promised good to me,
    His Word my hope secures;
    He will my Shield and Portion be,
    As long as life endures.
  5. Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
    And mortal life shall cease,
    I shall possess, within the veil,
    A life of joy and peace.
  6. The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,
    The sun forbear to shine;
    But God, who called me here below,
    Will be forever mine.
  7. When we’ve been there ten thousand years,
    Bright shining as the sun,
    We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise
    Than when we’d first begun.

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