Raising up breakthrough believers for this generation

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Prophetic People - Part 2

The bible has a lot of examples we can follow when it comes to the prophetic movement. It's a vast treasure of men and women who have been called to rise up in such a time for God's people. Amazingly, God raised different people of different background to accomplish his plans. 

Specifically, even in the prophetic calling of a person, God still uses men and women of different background today. I would say that this is part of God's purposes to bring uniqueness in the prophetic ministry. I also believe that although we came from different backgrounds - we work for the same cause, serve the same Lord and must have the same standard when it comes to ministering to the body of Christ.

Why set the same standard?

I truly believe in the authenticity of God working in the lives of many people through the prophetic mantle God has placed under the Office of the Prophet and whom the Lord has activated with the prophetic gifting. 

But we also understand that we have to set standards or everything can get chaotic. I have seen gifted men and women of God who missed their true calling because of the enemies tactic. Truths being thwarted because of many other reasons. 

I also have personally seen how our gifts when aligned and used correctly bring people to their destiny. Wherein God is revealed and honored because of the faithfulness to continue and align our gifts, our cause and purpose for the glory of His name alone.

Where do we base our standards?

Like any other gifts, we are bounded on scriptures. As Paul instructs Timothy, it is our unconditional text when it comes to ministering. It says:

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work...."
2 Timothy 3:16-17

God's infallible word brings clarity to why we do what we do. It has all the ingredients to align ourselves to God's truths and words for the season. Simply put, the main and only basis when we speak words of prophecy is God's word. 

For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears (1 Cor. 13:9-10)

The word of God is complete and if the things we speak is not aligned to it, as what Paul speaks of, it will disappear. This practically means that whatever we've spoken of will just vanish in thin air. It will not bring life to the people we've spoken to and missed it. 

As a prophetic people, God has given his words through the bible. I personally experienced being reared in the word of God before he activated my prophetic gift. It is very dangerous for us to move in the prophetic without understanding the importance of being founded in love and of the word of God. 

We become as what Paul describes as "clanging cymbals" if the words we speak would only bring confusion instead of clarity. Heaven and earth (and everything we speak of) will pass away but His words (the logos and rhema) will never pass away. 

God has placed the prophetic ministry to become His voice to the nations. And as a prophetic people, we have the responsibility to bring clarity and break down the enemies tactic and identify which is true and authentic to what is false. But above all, we ourselves must submit to the final authority God has given all believers - His words through the bible.

Unless we read and study it, we will never truly become prophetic and practically misses the point on why God placed his words first before he called us into being.

Questions for Discussions:
  • How often do we study God's word for personal use?
  • Since God's word is our basis for prophetic standards, what verses can you give that speaks of prophecy, prophetic acts and manifestations?
  • How will we bring correction and alignment for those who have missed the point?
  • Do we use God's words to train others in the prophetic? How?


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