Raising up breakthrough believers for this generation

Friday, February 02, 2007


God is in the search. He is searching for a people whose hearts and minds are set to build the kingdom of God in this world. He is calling out from every tribe, people and tongue a generation whose call is to proclaim the blessings of God and live their lives selflessly until eternity, whose visions are to ignite their generation to run the race and fulfill the destiny of their lives with God.

If you want to be part of that generation, then you are a firebrand. A firebrand is someone or something that spreads fire all across the place, and since God is our consuming fire…then we as Christians, should be firebrands. We should spread fire to the lands of Negros Oriental!

And being firebrands, we are then to rise up as a prophetic generation. Prophetic in our words, in our actions and in our lives. God has used time and time again people in the bible young people whom God called out to fulfill a particular task for His people…

1. He called out Joshua to lead the people to conquer the promise land.

2. He called David out to become the victor of Israel and later on the well known King of Israel.

3. He called out Daniel from captivity to become the wise adviser of the King of Persia and the next 2 kings after.

4. He called out Samuel when he was just a child to speak in His behalf to the rebellious people of Israel.

5. He called out Stephen in the book of Acts to testify that Jesus, whom the people crucified, was truly the Son of God!

What more can u say about other people…they all started as young as you are and yet created change in the history of this world. God can use you no matter how old you are!

Being young and inexperienced, our mindset has been set to think that we can never do what the older generation does. We are set to think by the enemy that we can do little in God’s kingdom. But it’s the other way around, God who is a God of equal opportunity has set us to be part of the whole body of believers, we are as important and effective as the older generation. We are to run with them, fulfill the great commission with them. We are saved by the same blood of Christ, Filled and directed by the same Holy Spirit and carries in us the same burden our fathers has. We have the same gifts of the spirit and the same character of Christ in us. We are qualified to do that particular task God has set in our hearts to do. Paul’s instruction to Timothy was to “not look down on himself because he is young…”

I believe that God is starting to give visions and dreams to many of you and I pray that God will fulfill that vision in his perfect timing and will. I pray that God will speak forth into your life right now and stand before him to accept your destiny, your call, your purpose to advance the kingdom of God. You are part of the fulfillment of that promise, part of the people who is set apart and part of this prophetic generation He is raising up in this last days.

God wants your heart and mind to this task, He doesn’t need your education or attainment in life. He wants you and your heart only. God has set you where you are for a purpose; He has set you in that particular place to be a firebrand. He will fulfill that purpose in you. He will take you out to the nations of the world to become a testimony of his goodness. He will breakforth in your life blessing, destiny and call to become a prophetic generation. As the Apostle John has heard, “ Those who have ears to listen, should hear what God is saying to the church today…”

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