Raising up breakthrough believers for this generation

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Calling Out The Forerunners Of Our Time

The Hebrews 11 Mandate

We are on the verge of seeing a great awakening in our country today. We are living in a time wherein we see the destiny that was spoken of prophetically a couple of years ago being fulfilled in our lifetime.

In 1 Chronicles 12:32, the author shared that in Israel’s peak, the men of Isaachar understood the seasons and times. And in this hour, we as believers are called to understand the seasons and times we are in.

Last week, I sat down as I listen to Atty. Lyndon Cana and speak about this time and season like no other. This is no time to sit around and do nothing. We need to quicken and do so much as we are still awake because in the twinkling of an eye, everything can happen – whether we like it or not.

Our history speaks of the youth as the hope of the nation. My pastors speak about the christian youth as the hope of the nation. We need to rise up, believe that God has something better than just school, the internet, DOTA or even sitting in the church listening to crazy sermons like this.

We are called to become forerunners for this generation. Forerunners are people who go before a crowd or group, preparing the way for something to happen. We don't sit and wait; we work our way to make something happen. We belong to a generation who prepares the coming of the Lord.

Let me ask you these questions:
·         Who do the pastors and elders in the church call if they need something to be done for a big event? The youth.
·         Who do the pastors like to have in the worship team leading such great events? The youth.
·         Who do the pastors get excited to when they hear testimonies of every Sunday? The youth.
·         Who do our pastors correct, rebuke and teach as often as they want to? The youth.

The youth plays an integral part of this church's generation. We need to rise up and become responsible individuals with a divine calling. Today, I'd like to share about something that I've been praying for quite some time now. This message is birthed in many stories I've heard, the books I bought and of course, this sense of urgency to share what the Lord has placed in my heart for such a long time.  

Anyway, I have two main verses to share and this is in Hebrew 11:1 and 2 but will also focus in the entire chapter:

“Now faith is the substance of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen. For it (referring to faith), the elders obtained a good report.”

Hebrews 11 speaks about a list of great names and unaccounted events in history that we love to read. How many of us here love to hear about David? Samson? Abraham? Sarah? These great men and women of God in the bibles started young like you and I? Yes, they are all great and mighty and all has one common ground – FAITH.

They have the faith that is things hoped for and things that they have not yet seen but right now have been transcribed in the bible as something significant.
There are a couple of things pointed out in this specific verses that I want to share to you. 

This is with the expectations that the Holy Spirit will open your mind and hearts for the BIGGER PICTURE God has entrusted you.

1.) A forerunner acts in faith regardless of how big the task is (v. 4) – It is impossible to move in the forerunners' anointing without God in it. As what we've read awhile ago, the patriarchs and prophets in the bible all had one common ground – that is faith in someone BIGGER than themselves. In David's own words he said “who am I that you are mindful of me? The son of man that you care too much for me? You made a little lower than the heavenly beings and crown me with glory and honor!”

As forerunners, we need to believe that whatever we do for the Lord, we believe that by faith we can accomplish great things. A short testimony about this one that relates to believing big and having the faith to accomplish it was the Generations Gathering we did last April. We didn't have the money or the capacity to do such an event but we were bold enough to step forward.

God brought us speakers across the globe and raised more than P 50k in just 2 months. We didn't lack anything and we still have enough left for us to use for the ministry. We believe God will work things for us and yet we acted out in faith. And the Lord provided.

Our faith stirs us to move, it stirs us to share the gospel, it stirs us to act and believe that God will do the rest.

2.) We live in the promises of God and embraces the very essence of Christ's calling (v. 7) – The journey of becoming a forerunner is not easy. We need to embrace God's promises as a daily food supplement. We need to bring it wherever we go – whether at work or in school. It is the very essence of our being. How we live in our house, in church or in school should be the same. Look for Joseph as an example, he lived as a slave in Egypt for 40 years but remains true to the essence of believing that Yahweh has given him a dream, and in his lifetime saw it fulfilled. He became the 2nd highest ranking official in Ancient Egypt. He basically saved the ancient world from the famine that affected his time.

The famous people in the bible lived to please the King of kings. They believed in a God who can make them do all things through Christ. They believed that God does not lie. He will fulfill whatever he promised in us for us.
If God has given you a dream, He will not fail. It may tarry, you may have to wait for a lifetime for it to be fulfilled. You might get recognized only after you die but keep this in mind always – do everything to please God and He will in the long run, reward you along the way.

3.) We are a man or woman of character (v. 32 & 33) – one thing that is persistent about Hebrews 11 is that it speaks about the flaws and the victories of the saints. It spoke about Abraham's faith in moving out in his own country; Sarah laughed at God to have a baby but ended up fulfilling the promise of God by naming him Isaac meaning “she laughed at God”.

Other examples speak about the hardships they've encountered and how, even in the hardest of times remained true to their calling. Some of them even sinned against God but in the end, repented and fulfilled the mandate God has for them.

A forerunner is not moved by his circumstances. She is not shaken by the obstacles that have aroused in her journey. All the more that they used these circumstances to prove that whatever they have received from the Lord is first of all, true and that in their lifetime, can speak “ never did the Lord leave me nor forsake me...”

4.) Our story is about HIS STORY (v. 39 & 40) – the famous people Hebrews 11 mentioned about had a story to tell but it was not their story. It was a story given by God for them to share. Their life was the examples of this great God in heaven who makes and acts in behalf of the need of the world in simple and great ways through the acts of his people – us. Our story starts where His son's life ended.

The cross of Christ is the key of the forerunner's anointing. It is the key that unlocks the chapter 1 of our own journey to becoming like them. In Isaiah 61, it spoke about the coming Christ and what he will do when he came here. And he fulfilled everything in it. As believers, God has called us to become like Christ, the apostle Paul said “imitate me as I imitate Christ” and these were not mere words about character but also with power.

Like the apostles and the rest of these people, they saw the promise and dwell in the supernatural providence of God to move the red sea in half, to provide food in the dessert, to provide oil that could let a widow and her two kids live prosperously, to pass by in shadow and be healed, to set captives free, to proclaim the favor of the Lord.

These were not about them but about God – our God, He is greater than what our story is and BIGGER than what we can accomplish. His story is just starting and he wants you to play your role to complete it with Him.


What story is showing in your life right now? Will you make God the finisher of this BIG story? Will you allow your story to end like Jehu doing greater things for God but ending the wrong way by still allowing sacrifices to idols? Or will you end like the other Jehu, the prophet who became the oracle of God in his generation.

Both lived in the span of 2 lifetimes, both lived in different kingdoms but has the same God. Both did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. Both boldly act in behalf of God without the fear of what lies ahead.

King Jehu received a promise of having his offspring up to the fourth generation to rule over his kingdom. His name is engraved as someone who made an impact to his generation. Prophet Jehu became the voice of God in Judah's history.

I don't know what is going on with your story right now but one thing for sure; it is not an accident why God placed you here. He needs you to take part of His story and whether you like it or not, you are part of a bigger story for His time to come. Unless we do our part, we can never get the “end” we are so eagerly waiting about.

God is calling forerunners across the globe. Let us not be left behind to what God is doing in the world today. In Bro. Garth’s depiction about Bais City, it is the launch pad of God to the nations. It is the trigger-point for revival. It is where we see the Lord placing a cross-road from the north and the south, the oriental and the occidental. But one thing for sure, if we start where God has placed us. Surely, we cannot deny the possibility that those who have gone before us will see the completion of the promise of God fulfilled.

It is time for us to rise up; it is time for us to run together. It is time for us to arise and take the step of faith. It is time for us to become forerunners of God in our generation, in our lifetime!

1 shoutouts:

  1. We are now entering a season of great harvest but the laborers are few. I pray that there will be more who will train this prophetic generation and help them to mature quickly as things and God's prophetic words are coming to pass quickly. I pray for deeper desire for prayer and intercession, loving the Word of God and a desperation for the presence of God himself as He has a lot to reveal to each one of us personally and intimately in this new season.


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